Gas Chromatography (GC)
Gas Chromatography (GC) is excellent for the analysis of volatile organic compounds from water bodies and soil. It is also very useful for analyzing endocrine disrupter chemicals, hormones, plastic additives, and other hydrophobic and semi-hydrophobic compounds, leaching to the environment from human origins, such as municipal wastewater, industrial pollution and garbage dumps.
In addition, the hydrochemistry laboratory researchers can apply GC methods in order to detect and quantify pollutants extracted from biological organisms.
Using GC, analytes separate from each other based on their boiling point and polarity, makes it easy for the analyst to identify every studied compound.
A verity of detection techniques could be applied for GC. At the hydrochemistry laboratory we use a mass spectrometer detector for more accurate identification, improve the analysis resolution and selectivity, and reduce the detection limits to parts per trillion (ppt) level.