Aviv Kaplan

Laboratory manager

Aviv holds a B.Sc in Geophysics and Chemistry from Tel-Aviv University and M.Sc from the Porter School for Environmental and Earth Studies, Tel-Aviv University.


Aviv works as the hydrochemistry laboratory manager, responsible for analytical methods development, performing environmental studies and research for the Water Research Center and qualifies students to work with analytical instruments.


Aviv has 10 years experience developing analytical methods, including both academy and industry. He is a specialist in extraction, separation and detection methods of various environmental matrices including solids (waste and soil), biological and water (fresh, wastewater and sea water).


Phthalates in the marine environment - presentation given at Isranalytica 2018


Arsenic bioremediation in water detection by HPLC/MS - presentation given at Isranalytica 2019


List of Publications:

Avisar, D. , Kaplan, A. , Ronen-Eliraz, G. , Vered, G. , Shenkar, N. and Gozlan, I. (2019) Validated Method for the Detection of Three Phthalates Derived from Marine Invertebrates. American Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 10, 445-458. doi: 10.4236/ajac.2019.1010032.

Vered, G., Kaplan, A., Avisar, D. and Shenkar, N. 2019. Using solitary ascidians to assess microplastic and phthalate plasticizers pollution among marine biota: A case study of the Eastern Mediterranean and Red Sea, Mar. Pollut. Bull., 138, 618–625. doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.12.013





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