Dr. Gefen Ronen Eliraz

Senior Scientist

Gefen Ronen-Eliraz holds B.Sc. and M.Sc. from the Geological and Environmental Sciences Department at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, from 2002.  Her M.Sc. focused on soil moisture retrieval using remote sensing. She received her Ph.D. on 2013 from the Geography department at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. The Ph.D. thesis focused on modeling to estimate water recharge during flood events in the arid environment, creating an alternative method when only little data is available. Her post doctorate studies took place at Volcani Center, learning the “Geochemical evolution of desalinated sea water along Manage Aquifer Recharge events” in the northern part of the Israeli costal aquifer.

Gefen joined the Water Research Center (WRC) at TAU in September 2016 as a research associate, for the ongoing and new projects including “Hospital wastewater treatment”, “Risk of exposure to chemotherapy drugs residues appear in cancer patients home environment”, “Drugs recovery from patient’s urine” and “Atmospheric precipitations contamination by air pollution”.


Gefen is supported by the Moshe Mirilishvli fellowship



Avisar, D. and Ronen-Eliraz, G., 2017. Irrigation with effluent water – what should we be worried about. Ecology &Environment, Vol 8 (4), 55-48. In Hebrew.


Gefen Ronen-Eliraz, 2013. The recharge potential from a flood event in an arid area: a case study of Nahal Paran. Ph.D thesis. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. In Hebrew. 


Gefen Ronen-Eliraz, Dody Avraham, Dan G. Blumberg, Hanan Ginat, Ofer Dahan, 2013. A model to assess the transmission losses along an arid course stream: the Paran course, Israel case. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15. EGU General Assembly, 2013.


Blumberg D. G., G. Ronen, J. Ben-Asher, V. Freilikher, L. D. Vulfson, and A. L. Kotlyar, 2006, Utilizing a P-band scatterometer to assess soil water saturation percent of a bare sandy soil, Journal of Hydrology, 318: 374-378.


J. Ganor, A. Avital, G. Eliraz-Ronen, R. Talby, and S. Zaaror. 2004, Gypsum precipitation in Red Sea – Dead Sea mixtures – a Preliminary study. Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva.


J. Daniels, D.G. Blumberg, L.D. Vulfson, A. L. Kotlyar, V. Freliker, G. Ronen and J. Ben-Asher. 2003, Microwave Remote sensing of physically buried objects in the Negev Desert: implications for environmental research. Remote Sensing of Environment 86 (2): 243-256 JUL 30 2003


J. Daniels, D.G. Blumberg. L.D. Vulfson, A. L. Kotlyar, V. Freiliker, G. Ronen, J. Ben-Asher. 2003, Microwave remote sensing of physically buried objects in the Negev Desert: implications for sub surface Martian exploration. Journal of Geophysical Research – Planets 108 (E4): Art No. 8033, Mar. 12 2003.


G. Ronen, D. G. Blumberg, J. Ben Asher, V. Freiliker, 2001, Assessing Soil Water Content by a Cherry Picker-Mounted Scattterometer. The fifth international Airborne Remote Sensing Conference, San-Francisco, California (Poster).


J. Daniels, D. G. Blumberg, V. Freiliker, G. Ronen, D. Vulfson, A. L. Kotlyar, T. Neta, J. Ben-Asher, M. Sprintsin, and M. Linestky. 2001, Radar Penetration in Soils: The Potential for Sub-Surface Observation of Both Earth and Mars, Conference on the Geophysical Detection of Subsurface Water on Mars, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 36-37 (Poster).

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