Dr. Igal Gozlan

Dr. Igal Gozlan

Senior Analytical Chemist

Contact: gozlan.igal@gmail.com




Ph.D. in Environmental science         2008 - 2015     Tel-Aviv University

M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry               1980 - 1982     The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

B.Sc. in Chemistry                             1977 - 1980     The Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Doctorate Thesis


Advisors:         Prof. Dror Avisar -         Tel Aviv University

                        Prof. Shmuel Carmeli - Tel Aviv University

Thesis:            Identification and Determination of Selected Pharmaceutical’s Degradation Products Formed Under Controlled Environmental Conditions


Masters Thesis


Advisors:         Prof. M. Rabinovitz - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

                        Prof. D. Avnir -           The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

                        Dr. D. Ladkani -          Teva Pharmaceutical Industrials Ltd.

Thesis:            N-Alkylation of Intermediates in the Pharmaceutical Industry Using Phase Transfer Catalysis Technique


Professional Experience


Since 1985  -    Israel Chemicals Ltd. (ICL) TAMI (IMI), Central R&D Institute, Israel

Analytical Instrumentation Lab. Manager


  • Isolation by preparative HPLC, and structure elucidation, using LC/MS, GC/MS, NMR and IR of organic compounds from organic reaction mixtures and natural sources.
  • Method development by HPLC, LCMS, GC and GC/MS for areas such as Environmental, Volatile organic compounds, Food products, Pharmaceuticals, Flavor and fragrances, Medicinal Herbs, Amino acids, Peptides, Proteins, Sugars Etc.
  • Validation of chromatographic methods for pharmaceuticals in aquatic environment, VOC level in water, air, soil and other matrixes, pharmaceuticals in biological fluids and in other matrixes and other organic compounds.


Since 1997   -  Executive committee member of the Israeli Analytical Chemistry Society 

Since 2008  -  Teaching, Bioforum - Center for Applied Knowledge, Weizmann Science Park        

2017    -  Chairman of the 20th annual meeting of the Israel analytical chemistry society - Israel, 2017


Additional Professional Experience


Consultant for companies in areas such as:

  • Pharmacology – HPLC methods development for the analysis of pharmaceutical compounds in biological matrixes
  • Pharmaceuticals – HPLC methods development for the analysis of active ingredients in tablets and others matrixes
  • Food additives – HPLC methods development for the analysis of vitamins in various matrixes
  • Fragrances and flavors - GC methods development for the analysis of fragrances and flavors
  • Refineries - GC methods development for the analysis of wax products
  • Analytical services laboratories – GC and HPLC methods development for the analysis of various compounds and matrixes 
  • Pesticides – GC/MS methods development for the analysis of pesticides in fruits matrixes as well as laboratory 17025 certification assistance


Igal is supported by the Moshe Mirilishvli fellowship


Click here for Igal's list of publications

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