Seminars & Workshpos

The WRC organizes professional workshops and seminars for the WRC's staff to keep up-to-date on scientific matters.


Date Presentor Event Topic Remarks
08/2019 Dr. Offir Menashe Group seminar  Microbiology and wastewater treatment

Three days seminar covering many aspects of microbiology in wastewater treatment processes, fundamentals, new approaches and innovations

2018-2019 Dr. Igal Gozlan  Group seminars Analytical Chemistry  

Liron Friedman

Group seminar

Nןitrogen dynamics in Biological processes

Intensive series of lectures focusing on Nitrate's issues was given by Liron Friedman - A Ph.D. Fellow.

Liron presented fascinating results with remarkable insights



Group seminar The annual group meeting: the varies research in the WRC-TAU   
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