The half-full glass of Chennai

Prof. Hadas Mamane wants to remove the pollution from drinking water in India

06 May 2018
open dump in india

It is clear to everyone that potable water is a basic need. Prof. Hadas Mamane, head of the environmental engineering program, and a senior scientist of the WRC-TAU, who along with Professor Mohan from IIT Madras in India, investigating effective ways to prevent infection of leachate from open landfills to groundwater and drinking water in the area of Chennai, the fourth largest city in India.

To address the water problems it is not enough to have the proper and appropriate technology but it should also work together with the community in order to create a situation, where the community can manage its water resources independently. The goal is to create conditions that will allow the implementation of technologies, by training, education and dissemination of environmental idea around water, agriculture and energy.


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