Microalgae utilization for plasticizers degradation, biofuel and plastic production: Circular Economy Concept

Microalgae has the potential to become a central component of sustainable economy system as algae can be an ideal source for biodiesel, while using wastewater effluent for essential nutrients and absorbing CO2 from atmosphere or dissolved in water. Unlike other oil crops, microalgae grow extremely rapidly and many are exceedingly rich in oil. The biochemical mechanism of photosynthesis in microalgae is similar to that found in all plants. Unlike their terrestrial counterparts, microalgae are particularly efficient converters of solar energy due to their simple structure, free of the need to generate support and reproductive structures.

The goal of this project is to demonstrate a circular economy model, based on the biorefinery concept, enabling an ecofriendly alternative by producing biofuels, separating the lipids and the residual microalgae biomass processed into bioplastics and uptake of plasticizers and from wastewater. This concept will be used by implementing green technologies and green concepts that allow improving the utilization of microalgae products.

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